Saturday, November 11, 2017

TPACK Lesson

Art Elements: Line

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

      Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to identify and name the different types of lines. They will also be able to use this knowledge of the different types of lines in future artworks.

1.    Introduction -
      Remind the students that they’ve been learning the elements of art for the last two weeks and that they learned about the element line the day before. Explain to them that today’s lesson will be a review of the element line and that they will be able to create an artwork using the element line at the end of class.

2.    Instructional Process –
1. Ask the students to give the definition of a line. If they’re struggling, call on a few students before revealing the definition on the smart board
2. Go to the next two slides contains the examples of the different types of lines and read the definitions to them.
3On the next slide call one student at a time to come and draw the type of line under the correct line name.
4. Go to the next slide which contains a drawing of a house and two different paintings. On the drawing of the house model to them how to find and indicate the different types of lines in drawings.
5. Call one student to the front at a time to indicate which line they noticed on the painting and ask them to tell you the type of line they indicated. Continue until all the students have had a chance to indicate a line.
6. Tell the students that they will now get to demonstrate how they use lines in art by each drawing a picture. Instruct the students to go get their tablets, go sit at their tables and to go into their Class Dojo apps. (In the micro teaching lesson they won’t be using tablets since we don’t have enough in class for the students.)

1.    Explain to the students that they will each use their tablets to draw a picture of their choice on the Class Dojo app.
2.    Demonstrate to them where to go on Class Dojo to draw.
3.    Explain to them that these drawings each need to contain at least four different types of lines.
4.    Advise them to look at the picture on the Smartboard if they need inspiration.
5.    Instruct them to write the names of the lines they used next to the picture and draw arrows to the corresponding lines after they’re finished drawing.

1. Using technology, specifically the smart board and tablets, greatly increased the efficiency of my teaching. By using the smart board I was able to give them more of a visual learning experience and demonstrate perfectly what I want the students to do.  I could draw on the board for all of the students to see. I was also able to look up examples of the lines and artworks online. Technology allowed me to quickly and easily give students more real life examples of what I was teaching about by finding examples to show them online. The smart board also enabled me to call students to the front of the classroom so that they can demonstrate their understanding of what I was teaching them. This way they can have fun by drawing on the board and I can quickly assess whether they understand what I'm teaching them or not.

Through the use of technology I am also able to stay in contact with the students, and their parents, and they are able to upload their work online so I can easily assess and evaluate their work. By them doing the drawings online and then just saving them on Class Dojo makes the drawings easier for me to grade. There is a much smaller risk of the pictures getting lost or messed up. It also allows me to share those drawings with the rest of the class or with the parents of the students so that they are more aware of what their children are doing in my class.

2. Using technology effectively can greatly enhance students’ understanding in all classes. For one thing, it makes the teaching methods more visual, as well as kinesthetic, which really helps visual or kinesthetic learners. Technology can also make the work seem more important by linking the work to real life experiences through the use of the internet.  By having the students evaluate the lines in famous paintings they were able to better understand how artists use lines for various effects in their artworks. 
