Tuesday, September 26, 2017

TPACK article reviews

For my article reviews I was assigned to read “Teaching and Technology: The Hidden Effects of Computers on Teachers and Students” and “Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Learning Activity Types: Curriculum-based Technology Integration Reframed.” Both of these articles helped me to better understand TPACK and how to use it correctly in the classroom.

The article “Teaching and Technology: The Hidden Effects of Computers on Teachers and Students” begins by talking about how the western nations are struggling economically, with authority relations and in values. It then goes on to say how many people believe that the main problems causing these issues are in our education system. It states that the solution to these problems is by focusing more on the technology in the classroom and that computers should be introduced in all schools and emphasized greatly. After all, learning how to use technology is a skillset that all students will need when they eventually compete for jobs. Furthermore, the article explains how technology can make teaching easier for the teacher as well as more fun for the students.
However, this article also talks about the dangers of implementing computers into every content area. Although computers are a great aid for teachers to use, it should not be the main educator and should only be used as an aid when it will add to instruction instead of distracting from it. Finally, this article explains that merely placing computers in all of the schools will not solve our problems. Also, teachers will have to learn how to use technology. Even if they don’t like technology, students will need to know how to use technology efficiently in the future and it is our job as educators to help them learn.

The article “Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Learning Activity Types: Curriculum-based Technology Integration Reframed” discusses the uses of TPACK in the classroom. It also gives teachers advice on how to use it and many examples or activities for the teachers to use to better integrate it into the classroom. TPACK is described as the combination of Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), Technological Knowledge (TK), Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Content Knowledge (TCK). This article goes over each of these areas of TPACK in detail. The article also explains that at this moment teachers are not integrating technology into the classroom efficiently. It further explains that many teachers use "technocentric" methods when using technology in their classrooms which means the lessons are centered around the technology and no other factors. However, the advice and examples in this article aren’t technocentric strategies and they instead emphasize the importance of helping teachers develop and apply a true understanding of technology, pedagogy, content, and context in their lessons.

Unfortunately since technology and our understanding of technology are constantly changing, it is hard to come up with specific ways of integrating technology into the classroom. The constant evolution of technology warrants the constant grows in our use and understanding of technology in the classroom. Another reason why it is difficult to fully integrate technology into the classroom is because there isn’t just one right way to do it. The lesson; area of study; knowledge, attitude and beliefs of the teacher; as well as everything about the students will determine how to correctly integrate technology into that one lesson alone. 