People often say that technology is advancing to fast for
people to keep up. I think realizing this was the first step to being able to
keep up with it. Not only has technology helped us share what we learn about
and from technology, we have also learned that technology can do just as much
harm as good. Although there are still people out there who are trying to do
too much with technology, or going too far with it, many people have noticed
the dangers and are using technology to try to better the world with each new
discovery or invention.
In the two articles, The 25 best inventions of 2015 and
2016, there are many examples of how people are using technology to not only
improve our lifestyles, or lives, but also the world. People are also trying to
fix the damage that has been created through technology in the past. Only some examples
of these are the solar panels that don't stick out, sweet potatoes that could save lives, the meanest greenest driving machine, and many more.
However, even though technology have improved our lives dramatically
and have helped us do things no one thought possible many years ago, it also
seems to be making people have to do less and therefore become less productive. After reading the article "The home of the future Summon the comfy chairs," I'm worried about
people becoming too lazy. We already have machines doing our chores for us, but
now they're taking it even further. Even if we don't become more lazy from the
machines doing our work, it will certainly cause major problems. We will either
have to spend longer hours at work or we'll find other ways to stay very busy.
For many people doing chores is a stress reliever so if this happens it will
just cause more stress with less time to de-stress.
It also seems like technology is taking over the most important aspects of being human. In the article "teaching robots right from wrong," they even wish to go so far as to teach the robots some morals. The author mentions that some people encourage this, whereas others are weary of this new development. This can either add to the safety and security to human lives, or it could be going to far.
After all, since technology has so much to offer, but can also take away some of the treasures that life has to offer us, it is neither "bad" or "good." It all depends on what we do with it and how we chose to proceed with what we've learned with and from technology.